I wish I could post pictures of our children today (our camera is on the fritz)... they are both in jammies for the second (or is it third) day straight. They are sick with fevers, coughs, runny noses, vomiting here and there, and some scoots (my euphemism for a different bodily function). It is not pretty around our house. For some reason the nights are much worse. Why is that? Daytime comes and it would be nice if they would hunker down on the couch and watch movies. But, instead they muster the energy to want to be superheroes (Brother) and clean out cabinets (Little Bitty). Then night comes and they are again listless little hotboxes with an occasional coughing spasm or puke. Bless their hearts.
In other news, we are busy preparing for Christmas. We took our annual "Walk Through Bethlehem" this weekend which is a very cool production that a local church does here one day each December. It is very elaborate and an amazing amount of work for one day. We all look forward to it and Brother has learned a lot about Christmas (ok, so have I) from this event. However, I'm not sure he
completely understands yet. I have a feeling that he thinks Bethlehem is located on the corner of Hillsboro and Woodmont. I also have a feeling that one of the other "travelers" is the source of this nasty virus in our house. I'm tired of always blaming it on daycare - I'm going to blame this one on Bethlehem.
Finally, is it wrong that Brother keeps talking about what he's "ordering" from Santa? Yes, I think it is. We are definitely working on the concept of the Season of Giving, which I think he actually understands. But his 4 year old self can't help himself when he starts thinking about what he wants Santa to bring. Yes, the list does include rubber lizards.