My blogging both here and on my
crafty blog has been slow lately. It has been a conscious choice because something had to give for a week or two while I got re-focused on the job that pays the bills - but I haven't given it up. Just a short summer vacation I suppose. I'm also trying to wrap my head around the fact that my baby boy is starting Kindergarten in two weeks. Two weeks. It's another one of those things that I never understood why people got emotional over ~ until it has suddenly become my turn to send my sweet, innocent, lovely, first-born child off to some institution where he'll be learning who knows what and ... what if someone is mean to him?!
Ahhhhh! Deep breaths. I'm sure it will be fine. It's not like I don't want him to go and have fun - he's excited about it - I just am feeling a little emotional about it. The funny thing is that he's been in daycare since he was 12 weeks old. So... you'd think that this would be no big deal. But for some reason it does feel like a big deal. And I'm glad.
In other news, we had our annual trip to rural Pennsylvania the week after 4
th of July. So - this is a recap in photos. Since the visit, we've had a new birth on that side of the family. Baby Luke arrived shortly after our stay in the country. So - next year you can expect tons of toddler cuteness in these photos. We had a blast, as usual. We also spent a long weekend in '
Bama last week. I will try to finagle some pictures of that from one of my siblings. I took none. I never do when we're with my side of the family. I don't know what that's all about.
Little Bitty loved playing with the dogs. Big dogs.

Brother flying on my feet. Made for a cool pic.

Love her. So much.

A sweet moment between Daddy and Daughter. If you look closely, you can see he has a flower tucked behind his ear.

Brother's favorite thing to do was catch crawdads and salamanders in the creek.

Love him. So much.

Two of a kind. The men of Team T.
Ok - there are supposed to be more pictures here. However,
Blogspot sometimes gives up after awhile. I'll just save it for tomorrow. I'm going to watch Burn Notice. And - C in TX? I think you should give it another shot. This show is
Awesome pictures! I've been waiting for a new post! Hope all is well. I cannot believe Brother starts K in a couple weeks....that's just crazy!
Miss you guys, Zia
Finally - have been waiting for pix! They are great! Not to make you even more teary eyed, but K is just the beginning of 16 more years of firt days, tears,and hoping that he makes good friends. A mother's curse. He will be fine and everyone will love him, just as we do! Love you!!! Miss you!!! Grammy
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