Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Hi! Anybody here? :) All is well here. Very well. Our little family is all happy, healthy and busy. My last post was about the snow days that we experienced. The weather is finally better (it is mid-April after all) but it was a long hard winter in that respect. And - for those of you who don't know - we think the weather was just a gift to us to prepare for our move "up north".

Yes - Blake has accepted a job offer at a small, liberal arts college in upstate NY and we'll be moving this summer. We are very excited and very proud of how hard he has worked to get to this point. I think the little town will be a great fit for our family. It is very different from where we are now...but I think some of the things we like about Nashville will actually be present in our new community as well.

As we prepare for and embark on our next chapter - which will eventually include a change in career for me - please keep up with us by visiting my other blog. I am combining my small biz/project/craft/sewing blog and my personal stuff. Our kids and Blake inspire (and HELP with) so many of my projects that I think it will be fitting and fun to have the whole journey in one place.

I went back and read some of my firsts posts on this blog. It's crazy. Brother was 3 and LB was 1. They're 7 and almost 5 now! Yet, as I read about our daily activities from a few years ago -their personalities were already so clearly shining through. They've come so far, grown so much but - they're still the same Brother and Little Bitty. Slimmer cheeks, longer legs, larger vocabularies, new interests, new schools, new houses...none of it changes who they are. Thank Goodness.

And thank you for following along on our journey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll add your site to my reader. Good luck! Let me know if you head into the Philadelphia area! I live in the 'burbs and my parents mountain house is about 1.5-2 hrs from upstate NY.